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Performance indicators for Elementary School Teachers

Performance indicators for Elementary School Teachers

Performance indicators (PINDICS) can be used by teachers themselves for assessing their own performance and to make continuous efforts to reach the highest level. These can also be used for teacher appraisal by the supervisory staff/mentor to assess and to provide constructive feedback for the improvement of teacher performance.


Performance Indicators (PINDICS) are used to assess the performance and progress of teachers. It consists of performance standards (PS), specific standards and performance indicators.

Performance standards are the areas in which teachers perform their tasks and responsibilities. Under performance standards there are some specific tasks which are expected to be performed by the teachers. These are termed as specific standards. From specific standards performance indicators have been derived.

PINDICS is based on the provisions in sections 24, 29 and the schedule specifying norms and standards for schools in the RTE Act 2009, NCF-2005 and SSA Framework-2011. It has been further fine-tuned using the feedback received from the NCERT Study "In-service Education for Teachers (INSET) impact on classroom transaction" conducted in 2010-11 with primary and upper primary school teachers and comments received from state level officers from SCERT and SPO, and teacher education professionals.

Performance Standards (PS)

Performance Standards communicate expectations for each responsibility area of the job performance. The following performance standards have been identified.

  • Designing Learning Experiences for Children
  • Knowledge and Understanding of Subject Matter
  • Strategies for Facilitating Learning
  • Interpersonal Relationship
  • Professional Development
  • School Development
  • Teacher Attendance


PINDICS can be used by teachers themselves for assessing their own performance and to make continuous efforts to reach the highest level. These can also be used for teacher appraisal by the supervisory staff/mentor to assess and to provide constructive feedback for the improvement of teacher performance. Each performance indicator is rated on four point scale ranging from 1 to 4 indicating the levels of performance.

The rating points are:

  1. Not meeting the expected standard
  2. Approaching the expected standard
  3. Approached the expected standard
  4. Beyond the expected standard

If the teacher performs tasks in an innovative way and makes extra efforts for improving student performance, s/he can be rated as beyond the expected standard.

Self-assessment by the teacher should be done at least twice in a year, one ending first quarter and second ending third quarter.

Web and mobile based PINDICS

Teachers can now assess themselves using the web and mobile based PINDICS developed by NCERT.

For the web based application, visit https://ncertpindics.in/index.php . Register and then start your self assessment.

The PINDICS mobile app can be downloaded from https://ncertpindics.in/index.php .

Source : NCERT

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